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Vegan + Gluten-Free Grocery Haul | Imperfect Foods Unboxing | @LoveVeganSoul

Vegan + Gluten-Free Grocery Haul | Imperfect Foods Unboxing | @LoveVeganSoul

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Imperfect Foods Unboxing | Vegan Grocery Haul | @LoveVeganSoul

Imperfect Foods Unboxing | Vegan Grocery Haul | @LoveVeganSoul

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Seasoning Essentials for Flavorful Vegan Cooking | @love.vegan.soul

Seasoning Essentials for Flavorful Vegan Cooking | @love.vegan.soul

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Easy Cheesy Vegan Recipes | Simple Dishes for Every Meal of the Day!  (Dairy-Free & Delicious)

Easy Cheesy Vegan Recipes | Simple Dishes for Every Meal of the Day! (Dairy-Free & Delicious)

Today I'm sharing 3 easy cheesy vegan recipes! Welcome to on YouTube! On this channel I'll be sharing recipes, resources, reviews and more to highlight all of the textures and tastes you can enjoy with plants. So whether you’re looking to incorporate more plant-based meals into your diet, you’re navigating your transition to veganism, or you’re a veteran vegan looking for inspiration, has got you covered. Today, I’m going to show you how to make three simple and delicious dairy-free dishes that you can enjoy for every meal of the day. That’s right we’re working with three kinds of vegan cheese today: creamy nacho cheese sauce, nutritional yeast AKA “nooch”, and plant-based cheddar shreds - because the only thing tastier that 1 vegan cheese recipe is THREE vegan cheese recipes. Recipe 1: Breakfast Nachos Recipe 2: Tofu Scramble Tacos Recipe 3: Enchilada Casserole Check out this blog post for all things vegan cheese! There are so many important reasons to choose vegan cheese options. Not only are they easy to prepare, they’re delicious and compassionate alternatives to dairy produced on farms where cows are treated cruelly and our natural resources are being decimated. When we choose dairy-free options, we choose to create a better future for animals, the earth, our health, and each other. Learn more about the cruelty cows experience on dairy farms, and how you can make a difference: Learn about the the tremendous environmental strain that dairy farms put on the environment: Get your free copy of our Vegan Starter Guide: Sign up for the TryVeg Tuesday Newsletter for weekly recipes and resources: Tune in to the Vegan Family Podcast: Follow us on Instagram: Like our Facebook page: Learn more about Animal Outlook's work: Even more delicious vegan recipes: #vegancheese #dairyfreerecipes
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